We’re looking for 150 Minnesotans to help kids build their reading and math skills this summer. Virtual tutors will serve…
Jens Jensen
“I wake up every morning looking forward to the day, knowing that I’ll be contributing. I am preparing the children for Kindergarten and for their years in school after that. I love what I am doing.”
Steve Pinex
“Satisfy your curiosity. Jump in there and do a year of service. Find out that, hey, in helping others, you’ve helped yourself a whole lot more than you could ever have believed.”
Stephanie Scierka
“I felt valued and staff helped me build connections in both the district and community.”
LaRae Carlisle
“I was surprised by the skills the children need – and can learn! – for Kindergarten.”
Char Weir
“The best part about being a tutor with Math Corps is being witness to the incredible transformation these students make. At the end of the year they all say that they didn’t know math could be fun!”
Maria Jimenez Perez
“The best part about being a tutor with Math Corps is being witness to the incredible transformation these students make. At the end of the year they all say that they didn’t know math could be fun!”
Michael Gilleo
“I wanted to spend a year doing something that would help me grow and better prepare me for a career as a physician. Because of my Math Corps experience I was accepted to the University of Minnesota Medical School!”
Addie Nelson
“I love doing the interventions because you can see progress pretty fast. The kids I’m working with are at all different levels so it’s interesting and really rewarding to watch all of them grow. We get to have fun and learn together which is the best.”