Support programs in Minnesota.

Our Minnesota partner, ServeMinnesota, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization who will ensure your gift directly impacts kids who could use a boost academically. ServeMinnesota offers flexibility in giving with gift options such as corporate checks, gifts of stock, legacy planning, monthly giving and more. They are ready to support your philanthropic goals for Minnesota students.

Give Through ServeMinnesota Now

Support programs nationally.

Because of our proven success, our evidence-based tutoring programs are growing through several states. You can choose to donate to our programs on a national level or let us know if you want your gift to impact a state that has one or more of our programs. You can always contact us to discuss how to maximize your impact through a tax-deductible donation.

Make a Donation

Have questions or prefer to make your donation by check? Looking to donate to a program in a specific state? Connect with us about stock transfers, bequests or other giving options. We appreciate your commitment to making a difference!

Contact Us with Donation Inquiries

AmeriCorps in Action.

Expanding Educational Opportunities for Our Tutors

This summer, we’re taking a deeper look at the ways our tutoring programs holistically support the education system. While our foundation…

New Ventures and Greater Reach in Wisconsin

Celebrating Wisconsin’s Incredible 2023-24 School Year

July 16th Declared Reading Corps Day Across Minnesota 

We are thrilled and honored to announce that July 16th has officially been declared Reading Corps Day in the places…

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