Experts in High-Impact Tutoring

Our Education Programs - Reading Corps, Math Corps, and Early Learning Corps - are the largest high-impact tutoring programs in the country! We leverage the people power of AmeriCorps to help students achieve grade level proficiency in reading and math.

Fueled by the National Science & Service Collaborative, our programs are backed by evidence. By placing tutors in schools to work with students during the school day, Reading Corps, Math Corps and Early Learning Corps are proven tutoring models that enable students to catch-up when they are months or even years behind.

As a national leader in high-impact tutoring for reading and math, we recruit, train and support more than 3,000 AmeriCorps members who serve as tutors in schools across the country. And we're still growing!

Our Tutoring Approach

Reading Corps tutor working with a student on an intervention. These interventions demonstrate high-impact tutoring and help students become better readers.

Impact at Scale

Icon representing students served.


Over 570,000 students have been served through our tutoring programs. 

Head with pencil icon representing tutors that we've trained.


We have trained and mobilized over 26,000 AmeriCorps members to serve as tutors. 

Graduation cap and books icon.


We have partnered with more than 5,500 schools across the country to provide tutoring services. 

Strong Evidence Base

Reading Corps and Math Corps are backed by a strong evidence base, with multiple studies demonstrating the effectiveness of our high-impact tutoring models in improving students’ early literacy and math skills. Rigorous research, including evaluations by the What Works Clearinghouse, Evidence for ESSA and Proven Tutoring, confirms that our programs significantly boost student achievement. 

What Works Clearinghouse logo.



The Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) recognizes that Reading Corps and Math Corps evaluations meet WWC standards without reservations and demonstrate strong evidence of effectiveness.

Click the buttons below to read more from WWC.

Reading Corps    Math Corps 

Evidence for ESSA logo.


Reading Corps and Math Corps were identified as having the highest level of evidence by Evidence for ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) at Johns Hopkins University. 

Click the buttons below to read more from Evidence for ESSA.

Reading Corps    Math Corps 

Proven Tutoring logo.


The ProvenTutoring coalition recognizes Reading Corps and Math Corps as proven tutoring models that have solid evidence of effectiveness.

Click the buttons below to read more from Proven Tutoring.

Reading Corps    Math Corps

Our History – 20 Years of Excellence

Minnesota icon. It was the first state where Reading Corps and the rest of our high-impact tutoring programs began.


Reading Corps PreK launches in Minnesota

Book icon representing the start of Reading Corps K-3


Reading Corps K-3 launches

United States map with a mark in Minnesota showing where Math Corps first began.


Math Corps 4-8 launches in Minnesota

Michigan and Colorado state icons representing the expansion of tutoring to those states.


Reading Corps begins expanding nationally through licensed partners in Colorado & Michigan

Iowa and North Dakota state icons representing the expansion of Reading Corps to those states.


Expansion continues with licensed partners in Iowa & North Dakota

Award icon for all the places Reading Corps and Math Corps have been recognized.


Randomized Control Trial conducted by NORC proves Reading Corps works!

2015 – 1
Florida and Wisconsin state icons representing the expansion of our high-impact tutoring programs to those states.


Reading Corps begins serving students in Florida & Wisconsin

2015 – 2
Magnifying glass to represent a study that proves Reading Corps works.


NORC study finds preschoolers served by Reading Corps score higher on five separate measures

2018 – 1
Randomized control trial icon representing the one that NORC did, proving that Reading Corps is evidence-based.


Randomized Control Trial conducted by NORC finds Reading Corps students achieve significantly higher literacy scores and growth

2018 – 2
Georgia state icon representing the launch of Math Corps.


Math Corps begins serving students in Georgia

California state icon representing the launch of reading and math tutoring programs there in 2019.


California launches Reading Corps and Math Corps

2+2 icon representing a K-3 math pilot tutoring program.


Math Corps K-3 pilot program launches in Minnesota

Mississippi state icon representing the launch of our high-impact tutoring programs in 2021.


Mississippi launches Reading Corps and Math Corps

2022 – 1
Georgia state icon representing the launch of Math Corps.


Georgia launches Reading Corps

2022 – 2
123, ABC icon representing Early Learning Corps' new model.


Reading Corps PreK becomes Early Learning Corps

2023 – 1
Idaho state icon representing the launch of Reading Corps in 2023.


Idaho launches Reading Corps

2023 – 2
New York State icon, representing the launch of Early Learning Corps and Math Corps in New York.


New York launches Math Corps K-3 and Early Learning Corps in Poughkeepsie

Award icon for all the places Reading Corps and Math Corps have been recognized.


Reading Corps and Math Corps are recognized by Evidence for ESSA, What Works Clearinghouse, and National Student Support Acceleration (NSSA)

Strategic Partners

Our programs are administered through a formal partnership with ServeMinnesota
and fueled by expert research from the National Science + Service Collaborative.


AmeriCorps navy logo.

AmeriCorps is the federal agency for national service and volunteerism. The agency provides funding and oversight for national service programs.

Visit AmeriCorps  

ServeMinnesota's logo.

As the state’s administrator for federal AmeriCorps funds, ServeMinnesota oversees AmeriCorps programs and members in the state of Minnesota.

Visit ServeMN 


National Science & Service Collaborative's logo.

The National Science & Service Collaborative (NSSC) provides research, development and evaluation to ensure strong outcomes and maximum impact.

Visit NSSC  

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