Jennifer Salinas was a student at Fresno City College and after graduating knew that she wanted to help her community. That’s when she found CA Reading Corps. Jennifer decided to join Reading Corps in order to gain hands-on experience in a field she was passionate about. In high school, Jennifer took a children’s literacy class that sparked her desire to help children be more successful in school. “During this class, we would go once a week to the local elementary school and read books with the students. This was a transformative time for me, as I began to recognize how natural it was for me to encourage the success of the students, and foster their imagination and love of reading.” Jennifer will be implementing her experience into her future plans by completing her Bachelor’s degree in Educational and Community Leadership at San Jose State University.

Jennifer Salinas
“During this class, we would go once a week to the local elementary school and read books with the students. This was a transformative time for me, as I began to recognize how natural it was for me to encourage the success of the students, and foster their imagination and love of reading.”