Michael Gilleo

“I wanted to spend a year doing something that would help me grow and better prepare me for a career as a physician. Because of my Math Corps experience I was accepted to the University of Minnesota Medical School!”

After college, Michael Gilleo wanted to take a gap year to apply for medical school and get involved in activities that would benefit his future career. When he found out about Math Corps, he thought it would be a great opportunity to build relationships and give back to the city he’d called home for the past four years.

But while serving with Math Corps, Michael gained so much more than he expected. Whether it was his students stopping by his classroom to say hello before school or the stack of handmade thank-you cards he received from the fifth graders (even those not in Math Corps!), the connections Michael was able to build with his students and the “sense of belonging to a new community” was the most rewarding aspect of his work.

Michael even grants getting accepted into medical school at the University of Minnesota to his experience with Math Corps!