Maria Jimenez Perez

“The best part about being a tutor with Math Corps is being witness to the incredible transformation these students make. At the end of the year they all say that they didn’t know math could be fun!”

Maria Jimenez Perez was a high school math and science teacher in Puerto Rico for nine years before moving to Minnesota with her family. One day while volunteering at her children’s new school, she saw a Math Corps sticker in the office window and her interest was piqued. She had seen firsthand how her high school students had lacked the basic math skills needed for algebra and “saw it as a sign” that she should get involved.

Seeing her students transform into confident learners is what gives Maria the drive to continue serving each year. She recalled one particular student who not only was succeeding during their sessions, but took Math Corps concepts and then applied them to her test in class. It was the first passing grade she had received in math! Maria noted that the student was so proud, she had left the test on her desk for Maria to see.

“Serving as a Minnesota Math Corps tutor has been one of the most enriching opportunities I’ve had,” Maria says. “If you are not sure, just give it a try. You will not regret it!”