Char Weir

“The best part about being a tutor with Math Corps is being witness to the incredible transformation these students make. At the end of the year they all say that they didn’t know math could be fun!”

Char Weir struggled with math and didn’t have much confidence in her ability to do math. She avoided it as much as possible. Now, she’s giving back to children who have similar struggles. Char is a mother of three who has spent many hours volunteering with school, community, and church groups; it’s clear, as she says, that her “heart loves to help, encourage, and engage with children.” She plans to use her education award to return to college for a teaching degree in elementary education.

Char shares a story of one student who was very discouraged, frequently saying things like “I can’t” and “Math is too hard.” Char noticed that though this little girl was kind to her classmates, she was very tough on herself. Together, as they worked on math skills, they also discussed positive self-talk, embracing challenges, and having a positive outlook. Char was proud to say this student was ready to graduate Math Corps at the end of the year!