Tucked on the shores of Hill Lake in central northern Minnesota sits Hill City, a rural and tight-knit community. Hill…
Includes stories from partner schools and sites, principals, directors, or school staff.
Principal’s Perspective: Jim Clark on Reading Corps’ Impact
“Our number one goal in school is to meet the needs of every student academically. If we’re not doing that,…
Site Spotlight: Wilson Elementary, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Reading Corps works to ensure all students can read and succeed, including those who may face educational challenges due to…
Mission Moment – Parent Reaches Out to Share Impact Virtual Tutoring is Making at Home
Principal Marcus Freeman of Galtier Community School in Saint Paul, Minnesota, shared an email he received from a Reading Corps…
Stories of Service During COVID-19
When Minnesota schools closed in response to the COVID-19 crisis, our members stepped up. Over the last few weeks, reading…
How to Recruit and Retain Your Tutors: Interview with Principal Jim Stang
Principal Jim Stang, of Holdingford Elementary, has had the same two tutors for the past four school years. As both…
Tutoring Took This Career Changer in a New Direction
Alumni Feature: Terry Chapel Terry Chapel had been in the medical field for several years when she found herself longing…
How Reading Corps and Math Corps Can Offset Special Education Costs
Editor’s Note: This essay was written by Julia Espe, Ed.D., who served as Superintendent of Princeton Public Schools from 2013…
Principal Spotlight: Jason Harris
With nearly 1,000 students in his building, Jason Harris wanted to increase his capacity to serve students who needed extra…